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Sunday Mornings
 9:30 - 10:30  Sunday School
10:45 - 12:00  Worship

Wednesday Evenings
3:30 - 5:00  Homework Help
5:15 - 6:00  Dinner
6:00 - 7:00  Children, Youth, and
                    Adult Activities
7:10 - 8:15  Chancel Choir Practice

Worship This Week

Sunday, April 14, 10:45 AM

Third Sunday of Easter

Jason Crosby preaching


John 21:1-19

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Centennial Video (produced May 2008 by Dr. Andrew Rawls, narrated by Rick Forrest)

CHBC History

We have a rich history of which we are very proud. Our history continues to inform us as to where God is moving in our midst presently and it inspires us to move into the future with hope.

John F. GriffithOrganized on January 12, 1908, Crescent Hill Baptist Church grew rapidly under its first pastor, John F. Griffith, and the first building was erected on the present site in 1910.




Oscar M. HueyGriffith was succeeded by the Rev. Oscar M. Huey who served from 1913 to 1918. Huey's tenure was marked by the repayment of a large share of the church's indebtedness, and expanded mission concerns. Two of the sons of the church died in WW I.




Charles L. GrahamThe next pastor, Dr. Charles L. Graham led Crescent Hill for 22 years. These years between the Great Wars, were both glorious and trying. In 1926 the church built a $350,000 sanctuary (dedicated in 1927) for its growing congregation. Southern Seminary, a neighbor two blocks away, developed close ties of support and friendship with the church.


 In the late twenties and thirties, Crescent Hill joined with other congregations to sponsor the Anti-Saloon League, the Billy Sunday Revival and relief for the victims of the great 1937 Louisville flood. In the twenties, the church, always a generous congregation, contributed significantly to the 75 Million Campaign, a massive effort to rebuild and expand Baptist work following World War I. With the onset of the Depression, however, the church faced its toughest financial crisis. With extraordinary commitment and sacrifice, members willingly mortgaged their homes to prevent foreclosure on the church property.

William C. BooneDuring the turbulent years of World War II, Crescent Hill continued to grow and expand its ministries under the leadership of Dr. William C. Boone, a descendent of Daniel Boone's brother, Samuel. 123 members of Crescent Hill served in the Armed Forces.




Rollin S. BurhansThe post-war years at Crescent Hill witnessed sustained growth. Dr. Rollin S. Burhans served as pastor from 1946 to 1960. While the Korean War and the McCarthy hearings held the attention of the nation, Crescent Hill developed dynamic church organizations and outreach ministries. The Sunday School program was strengthened and expanded resulting in the building of a new educational and family life facility. By 1960, Sunday School attendance reached 1,007.



  ohn R. ClaypoolThe decade of the sixties was marked by the outstanding pulpit ministry of Dr. John R. Claypool. In a period of violence and social upheaval, Dr. Claypool addressed the deepest concerns of the world and brought to them a Christian message of integrity and hope. The racial crisis was a major focus of concern. New church staff positions included social ministry and counseling.



 [Howard Hovde (1969-1973) served as Dr. Claypool's associate and worked closely with Dr. Bill Hull during his subsequent interim. Laura Lue was ill when Hovde arrived in the summer of 1969, and Howard provided valuable service to the church and Dr. Claypool. Hovde later moved on to become the director of Laity Lodge in Texas. -- jwa].

John E. HowellDr. John E. Howell served as pastor from 1973 to 1978. These were years of re-evaluation and long-range planning as the church sought to re-define its role in a changing community.




H. Stephen ShoemakerCrescent Hill welcomed Dr. H. Stephen Shoemaker as pastor in May 1981. During his eleven-year ministry, he brought a prophetic, yet compassionate voice to the pulpit. He opposed forces seeking a hostile take-over of the Southern Baptist Convention and sought to bring healing and reconciliation to those alienated in the community including Viet Nam vets and AIDS victims.



Ron SiskFrom 1994 until June 2002, Ron Sisk, the ninth pastor, brought a focus on the needs of the Crescent Hill community, a commitment to upgrade church facilities and a search for social justice in the larger Louisville community. Crescent Hill has sponsored a Bosnian family, adopted a people group in Thailand and helped build a Habitat for Humanity house while continuing its traditional missionary outreach.


Winford HendrixFrom Jan 2003 until Sept 2004, Winford Hendrix, the first transitional pastor of the church, enabled Crescent Hill to come to terms with its recent past and develop a vision for the future. The church moved from an organization based around paid staff to one in which gift-based ministry teams commanded more of the attention of the church members. Dr. Hendrix helped to guide the church search team in the quest for Crescent Hill's tenth "installed" pastor.


W. Gregory Pope W. Gregory Pope became Crescent Hill's tenth pastor in March 2005 and challenged the church to think outside the walls and find ways of interpreting the word of God to the Crescent Hill area community....and to the world as the church welcomed the Karen refugees in 2007.




William Johnson, Jason Crosby, and Andrea Woolley began service as co-pastors in the fall of 2011.


(Andrew B. Rawls, Ph.D. church historian, wrote the above historical sketch based upon material written by Timothy George, Ph.D. and collected by Leo T. Crismon, Ph.D. Sketch prepared April 7, 1999. Photos scanned from 75th anniversary brochure and uploaded Feb 24, 2001.)

Timothy George's 1983 History of CHBC
Crescent Hill Baptist Church, An Historical Overview

Andy Rawls' 100th anniversary video script
The script for the 100th anniversary video of the church's history, produced by Dr. Andy Rawls.

Continuing History of the church
This is a continuing history of the church written by John Arnett. Additions and corrections are welcomed. Send to

timeline generated by JWA...corrections welcomed.

Charter Members of the Church

Early Fathers and Mothers of the CHBC

N.C. Shouse family

Photo archives

History of the WMU and other details of Crescent Hill Baptist Church
Blanche Goetzman's 1988 history of the WMU and church
Women's Retreat History
25th anniversary in 2004

"Women in Ministry" history
This is a chronology of the history of ordination of women in Baptist life, especially with reference to the SBC and the role of Crescent Hill Baptist Church in the movement. Our thanks to Reba Cobb who was present at the beginnings in 1983 and who has preserved much of this history.

Youth Alumni
These are persons who spent time as youth at the church even if they later dropped out or moved away.
Youth and Children Camps, Mission Trips and Other Outings
a partial listing since about 1953

Staff of Crescent Hill - a partial history
This list is evolving and other names will be added as more research is done
Lay Leaders at Crescent Hill - a partial history
This list is evolving and other names will be added as more research is done

Instrumental Musicians
Partial listing by instrument of those who have contributed to the instrumental music of Crescent Hill Baptist Church over the years.
A Sampling of the Musical, Dramatic and Visual Art Productions
Partial listing of various dramatic, musical and visual art productions/exhibitions over the years.
Crescent Hill Authors and Hymn Writers/Musicians
Partial listing of publications by members of CHBC over the years.


Advent Meditations Index
index to contents of all CHBC Advent Meditations since 1975

In Memoriam
Partial list of names of the "great crowd of witnesses" noted in the yearly May memorial service.
(See alphabetical listing of the names on these pages.)

Memorial Garden
Memorial Garden Slide Show
Memorial Garden dedication - Nov 1, 2009

Seminary Connections
Through the years the church benefited greatly by its close connections with the seminary. This is a partial listing of some of the faculty and staff who've been a part of the congregation and church community. In recent years the church and seminary have drifted apart ideologically and currently there are no active staff or faculty at Crescent Hill.

Thousands of students at the seminary over the years have attended and enriched the life of the church. And the church (staff and members) have been a blessing to the students and seminary staff. Although the current administration discourages students from attending Crescent Hill about a third of the congregation who actively participate in the activities of the church were once students at the seminary. -- jwa

Notes on the Architecture of the Church Building
-- jwa